Monday, 30 August 2010

Bank Holiday bliss

Bank holiday Monday, usually a time to get up late and hang around the house like a spare part. Well not this time. I was up at 7.00 am with no apparent ill effect. It was a dreary day, but very quiet. I was greeted by Twink our 7 year old ginger tabby carrying a mouse. She doesn't give it up, but shows me how clever she is and then dashes off up the drive and over the green to do what cats do...
All is silent in the hen house as I sneak up the garden for a peek. I am getting into the routine as easily as Hilda and Doris went to bed the night before. Turn over the wood chips in the run, freshen the water carrier, feed the rabbits, feed and let out the guinea pigs, then the best bit, let the chickens out.
As the day before they come tumbling out, rush to the water and drink.
Then they do a happy dance before taking some grain from my hand.
While they are occupied down the other end of the run, I open the roof of the coop and clean up any bits and pieces they have left me from the night before. They seem to keep the coop very clean and they have been in it since Saturday and it is just as fresh, hope they continue the good housekeeping.

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