Saturday, 28 August 2010

The chickens have landed!

Saturday went well, picked up two beautiful, if not very dirty looking gangly teenage chickens as planned. The trip to Ty Mynydd Farm was straight forward until I got stuck in a pothole, but we won't talk about that. My car is not built for off road...
When we arrived there had been a rush on chickens in the morning so instead of a couple of different breeds available the choice was made for us. Two Light Sussex who due to the clay soil on the farm are a beautiful peach colour with black flecks around the neck. While we stand at the pen looking a the dozen or so birds, being asked which we want, and thinking but they all look the same, two hens seem to pick us out.
The walk over and sit in front of us. So thats it Hilda and Doris have chosen to leave with us, and somehow thats just perfect.
The cwtch (Welsh for snuggle) down in the box we have brought for the journey home, and are gently slid onto the back seat.
I can hear gentle cooing coming from the back of the car, its a more soothing sound than I had expected. I negotiate the bumps much better on the way back down and soon we are home.
Everyone is excited, I am a bit concerned, I have not picked up a chicken before, well here goes.
They are surprisingly warm, and don't struggle at all. I am allowed to stroke the soft feathers before popping first Hilda then Doris into the run.
Doris sits down in a puff of feathers but Hilda struts around looks like she has decided who is in charge already. Who am I to argue. For the next hour or so we just sit and watch as they investigate the new space. Then I start to worry, how will I get them in for bed, what time is bed time, will they cause a fuss?
At about 8.30 they seem to get a bit restless, Hilda sits up on top of the water bottle and looks ready to roost, Doris can't fit on too and starts to get agitated. Maybe this is bed time, they don't realise they have a house, its their first visit here. I put some corn in a tin and shake it near the pop hole. They don't seem too happy about it but walk up the flap. As they reach tipping point I pull the draw bridge up and they are inside. I sit and listen, there is a bit of scratching and clucking then silence. At 10.30 I return and sit and listen, silence. I wish children were as easy to get to bed.
Lets hope every evening will be that straight forward...

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